Pastor Robert Garland
At the age of four, my parents took the Bible and showed me how to be saved. I realized that I was a sinner, and without accepting Christ as my Saviour, I would spend eternity in Hell. I trusted Christ as my Saviour that night. Soon after that, I was baptized at the New Testament Baptist Church in Springfield, Missouri.
At the age of ten, while attending a Mission Conference in my home church, Alamogordo Baptist Temple, Alamogordo, New Mexico, I surrendered my life to God.
After graduating from the Christian school at my home church, I attended Hyles-Anderson College in Crown Point, Indiana. While in Bible college, I had the opportunity to be a part of the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, and sit under the preaching of Dr. Jack Hyles. In 1986, I graduated from Hyles-Anderson College and entered the full-time ministry.
On July 12, 1998, I became the pastor of Lakeview Baptist Church. It is indeed an honor to pastor such a wonderful church and such wonderful people.
My Family

My wife, Lora, and I have been married for 33 years.